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How long will it take me to graduate?We offer both Part Time & Full Time Class options Lash Extension Artistry: 320 TOTAL Hours Complete your Course in: LASH Full Time : 12 weeks: (about 3 months) LASH Part Time 20 Weeks (about 5 months) Esthetics: 750 TOTAL Hours Complete your Course in: ESTHETICS Full Time: 25 weeks: (about 6 months) ESTHETICS Part Time: 36 Weeks (about 9 months) MEDICAL Aesthetics: 750 TOTAL hours Complete your Course in MEDICAL AESTHETICS Full Time (ONLY): 25 weeks: (about 6 months)
What is the Class Schedule for Part Time & Full Time Students?Unlike traditional schools, BLBA does not require a "set" InFacility class schedule for our PT or FT Students. Instead, we allow our students to choose the days/times that work best with their individual work/life schedule to come into class, & the ability to complete up to 50% of their course Online. In ordered for our students to complete their course & Graduate on time, BLBA students simply have to complete a minimum # of Online & InFacility hours each week/month. Your minimum # of hours required per week/month are determined by the the course you enroll in, & your PT/FT enrollment status. Please see below for details. LASH Students: Complete your Course in: Full Time LASH Students: 12 weeks: (about 3 months) Part Time LASH Students: 20 Weeks (about 5 months) Total Hours Required per Week/Month: (combo of InFacility & Online hours each week) Full Time LASH Students: 27 Total Hours per week /108 Hours per Month Part Time LASH Students: 16 Total Hours per week/ 64 Hours per Month _______________________________________ ESTHETICS Students: Complete your Course in: Full Time ESTI Students: 25 weeks: (about 6 months) Part Time ESTI Students:36 Weeks (about 9 months) Total Hours Required per week/ month: (combo of InFacility & Online hours each week) Full Time ESTI Students: 30 Total Hours per Week/125 Hours per Month Part Time ESTI Students :21 Total Hours per week/ 84 Hours per Month ___________________________________________ MEDICAL AESTHITICIAN Students: Complete your Course in: Full Time (ONLY) : 25 weeks: (about 6 months) Total Hours Required per Week/ Month: (combo of InFacility & Online hours each week) Full Time MEDICAL AESTHETICS Students: 30 Total Hours per week /125 Hours per Month MEDICAL AESTHETICS InFacility Schedule: Flexible InFacility schedule (wks 1-12) Set InFacility Schedule: 3 days per week 10am-4pm ( in wks 13-24)
Online & In-Facility LearningBoss Lady Beauty Academy students complete a combination of both Online & In Facility hours each week. Online Hours: Up to 50% course can be completed online. Your course includes assignments that can be complete for "online hours" either by reading the chapter & answering questions over that information, or by completing a hands on assignment which you record yourself doing & then turn in that video to be graded. Also, your full course & all of your E Textbooks & study guides are available 24/7! InFacility Hours: In-Facility/in person learning days & hours are flexible, meaning that you select the days and times which works best with your schedule to come into the Facility during the hours we are open ( please see "Available InFacility Days/Hours" FAQ below InFacility days/hours )
In-facility Days/Hours AvailableWe offer flexible InFacility Days & Hours. This means you get to choose the Days & Times that work best around your work/life schedule to come into the Academy for in person learning & hands on skills practice. San Antonio In Facility Hours Mon & Wed: 10am-7pm Tues & Thurs: 10am-8pm Fri or Sat : 10am-4pm (not every Fri/Sat, just 1-2 per month) ​ Waco In Facility Hours Mon -Thurs: 10am-7pm
How Long Do I Have To Pay Off My Course?Each course (except the MEDICAL Aesthetics course) is billed the same way: $1,000.00 down (deposit) & $350.00 Monthly Based on current course prices you will finish paying: Esthetician $8,500.00: $1,000.00 deposit, Plus 21 Monthly Payments +$150.00. Lash Extension Artist $5,000.00 $1,000.00 deposit, Plus 11 Monthly Payments. +$150.00. MEDICAL Aesthetics: $12,500 $2,500 Deposit, Plus 4 Monthly payments $2,500 *Please be advised, students will not be able to graduate, or take their written/practical tests necessary to obtain their license, until their tuition is paid in full. Once your tuition is paid in full, you will then be eligible to take your written/pratical State Board exams required to obtain your license. We do not accept financial aid at this time.
How Do I Get Hands On Online?Up to 50% course can be completed online. These "online assignments" are a combination ofTheory(s) & Hands on learning & Video submission Your course includes assignments that can be complete for "online hours" either by reading the chapter & answering questions over that information (Theory) or by completing a hands on assignments which you record yourself doing & then turn in that video to be graded.
How do I pay for school?Lash Extension Artistry & General Esthetics Course: Deposit: Our Lash Extension Artistry & General Esthetics Courses require a deposit of $1,000, which goes towards your total tuition. You may pay the $1,000 deposit amount in full, or you can choose to make installment payments (four payments of $250, or two payments of $500) However,your total $1,000 deposit must be paid in full due prior to your 1st day of class. Monthly Payment Plan: After you've paid your $1,000 deposit, we allow you to make (interest free) monthly payments of at least $350.00/ Month until your total Tuition balance is paid in full. Other Payment Options: After your deposit is paid, If you prefer, you can choose to pay more that the min. $350 per month, or make larger "lump sum" payments, in oder to pay off your Tuition sooner. We also offer a discount to students who pay their total Tuition in full at time of enrollment. *Please be advised, students will not be eligible to take their written/practical tests until their BLBA tuition is paid in full.* Once your tuition is paid in full, & you have gained the total # of TDLR Hours required for your course, you will then become eligible to take your written/practical State Board exams & obtain your license. MEDICAL Aesthetics Course: Deposit: Our MEDICAL Aesthetics Course require a deposit of $2,500, which goes towards your total tuition. You may pay the $2,500 deposit amount in full, or you can choose to make installment payments. However, the total $2,500 deposit for the MEDICAL Aesthetics Course must be paid in full due prior to your 1st day of class. Monthly Payment Plan: After you've paid your $2,500 deposit for the MEDICAL Aesthetic course, we allow you to make (interest free) monthly payments of at least $2,500/ Month until your total Tuition balance is paid in full. Other Payment Options: After your deposit is paid, If you prefer, you can choose to pay more that the min. $2,500 per month, or make larger/ lump sum payments, in oder to pay off your Tuition sooner. We also offer a discount to students who pay their total Tuition in full at time of enrollment. *Please be advised, students will not be eligible to take their written/practical tests until their BLBA tuition is paid in full.* Once your tuition is paid in full, & you have gained the total # of TDLR Hours required for your course, you will then become eligible to take your written/practical State Board exams & obtain your license.
Do you accept Financial Aid?No, we do not accept FA Loans/ VA Loans/ Financial Aid. However, we DO allow you to make monthly payments to "pay out" your total Tuition as you go, until it's paid in full. Please see "How do I pay for School" FAQ for details.
Is Boss Lady Beauty Academy Accredited?Yes, all of our curriculum, books, learning materials, & courses are TDLR Approved ( Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation) & the Courses we offer allow you to obtain your Esthetics &/or Lash Extension Artistry License after Graduating your course & taking you Written/Practical Exams.
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